Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This says it all...

I took this picture a couple of days ago, but it's pretty much how Caroline looked by the time she went to bed tonight. I woke her up fairly early this morning because we had to be out the door. Otherwise she would most likely have slept late after not going to bed at a decent hour. We ran all day, and all she had in the way of sleep was a quick cat nap and about an hour at the end of the day. She was exhausted by bedtime, although letting her get overtired can sometimes be a dangerous thing. I took her to bed armed with a new Elmo book, and I was able to leave the room without her crying. She asked for her door to be open, and I obliged. I heard her dumping books out of her crib a few minutes later, and I haven't heard a peep out of her since. WOOHOO!

I'm hoping after Thanksgiving I can get a few updates posted. I've got pictures from Mickey's flag football, Mindy's band competitions, Mickey's birthday, and Halloween still to share. Check back...I'm off to bed...


Glenna said...

She's beautiful even when she's tired! Caroline's first Thanksgiving with her new family is coming up in a few hours. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!..Love, Aunt Glenna

Kristi said...

Poor tired baby! Let's see, where have I seen that look before...

Hope sweet Caroline enjoys Thanksgiving turkey as much as Kylie!