Tuesday, March 31, 2009

THAT'S what I forgot...

Well, if I had my act together, you'd have a really great post to read right about now. You see, we're on a quick overnight with Jon. He's traveled so much lately that we took advantage of being on spring break and jumped in the van to go with him on this trip. Simple, right? Yeah. I thought I did a great job of packing...trying to keep things simple. Apparently, a little too simple. I took the smaller laptop, and I forgot it doesn't have a built-in card reader like my computer. Sooooo....the really groovy images I needed off the card in my camera will have to stay where they are till we get home.

Unless I get desperate and run to Wal-Mart tonight. I'm going to need better junk food than what we brought, anyway. I mean, really...how much fun is a granola bar? And did I mention that the pool is closed? It seems that there was an accident in the pool yesterday, and the chemicals haven't quite done their job yet. Here I am in a room at the Hampton...of course, the Embassy where we usually stay with our brood was booked...three kids, no pool, no car, no decent junk food, and no card reader. Thank God in heaven for cable, which we do not have at home, or I'd be sunk.

On the upside, I can't clean house or do laundry if I'm not home...

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I vote for the Wal-Mart run!

Bummer about the pool...