I have been wanting to post about Mindy's marching band experience and Mickey's first year in flag football, but regular programming has been interrupted in order to share with you a very important public safety announcement. Trampolines, although a very popular form of backyard entertainment, are dangerous. Shocking, I know. Here's the thing. Mindy has jumped on her cousin's trampoline for hours on end, and I have mostly chosen to issue my warnings and then refused to watch. I know she's done innumerable flips and stunts, with nary a bump or bruise. So it is with great surprise that I received a phone call Saturday night, informing me that Mindy had injured herself
on her first jump on a friend's backyard trampoline and that we might want to come get her. By the time we picked her up, her ankle had swollen to the point that it literally looked like someone had stuck a half of a baseball under her skin! It was disturbing, frankly.
Believe it or not, it isn't as swollen in this photo as it was the first two days!
It was late, and after having Mindy's aunt (a nurse) check it out, we decided to wait until morning to have it looked at. Mindy had a rough night, as the pain and swelling increased, even with ice and pain meds. Sunday morning we went to an urgent care facility to have it x-rayed. The doctor who examined her was convinced it was broken, but there was, miraculously, no break. On Monday, the radiologist confirmed that it was not broken, but we were advised to take the healing process seriously, as Mindy's ankle is severely sprained. We were told that the more she pushes it, the longer it will take to heal. It's important to keep the swelling down so that it will heal more quickly.
Bruising on the inside of the ankle...
Bruising on the outside of the ankle...
Let me say this...I am not at all upset with the family who owns the trampoline. Accidents like this can happen anywhere. It's just one of those things. Every precaution was taken...there was a safety net installed, and Mindy was the only one on the trampoline. She wasn't doing flips, and she had barely taken a warm-up jump. However, I am astonished, even after all I've heard about the dangers of trampolines, that she could injure herself so easily and so quickly.
So it's a good thing that Mindy is in the "pit" for marching band competitions this year. She is in an "aircast" and on crutches and has missed three days of school so far this week. Her foot is still very swollen and painful and has even more bruising than what is pictured above. She is having a very hard time getting around, and she is bummed about how it might affect her performance in band. They have two competitions this Saturday, and she has to be there from 7:30 am until 12:30 am Sunday morning. It's going to be a very long day, and I'm concerned about the swelling. I'm planning on sending some disposable ice packs with her so she can keep it iced. Most of all, I feel badly for Mindy, who hates to have attention drawn to her, feel like she isn't doing her fair share. She will still be able to play her parts in the show, but she will not be able to help get the equipment on and off the field. I am hoping and praying that this weekend won't be a setback and that she will have a rapid recovery next week.
Mindy wishing it would all just go away...
Mindy, sorry about your ankle. Hope you are on the mend....it will all go away before long....take it from me....your accident-prone aunt!
Poor Poor Miss Mindy! I hope you're up and marching again really soon! Many prayers for a quick recovery. Remember...... Mom's always do know BEST!
Ah sweet Mindy ~ if I had a dollar for every ankle injury I suffered in my years of basketball and soccer (and even a freak "manhunt game" injury)... Let's just say that I'm feeling your pain and praying for a full recovery ~ quickly!
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