Just looking at this sweet collage that represents Maria's life brings a dichotomy of emotions...and I'm not even her mother. Joy...sadness. But any of us who have adopted one of these sweet little Asian treasures probably feels it. It's impossible to know her story and to look at her pictures and not feel a connection to this sweet soul. And to her family. What an impact her little life had...and continues to have. Donations from her memorial fund have helped to finish Maria's Big House of Hope that officially opens this summer in China. Her presence will, I'm sure, be felt as orphans are cared for in this beautiful facility.
One little note for my own memory of this day...we've had just one busy day after another, and today was one of those days where we (our whole family) found ourselves getting on each other's nerves by the end of it. And guess what I saw crawling up the driver's side window in the middle of those grouchy feelings? A bright red ladybug. Read this. Made me smile. Hopefully, it will make you smile, too.
Click here to read Mary Beth's post from today.
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